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MATLAB-BARON interface sbaron function

Welcome, Anonymous


Solve a NLP/MINLP using the global MINLP solver BARON (alternative interface).


x = sbaron('field1',value1,'field2',value2,...)

[x,fval,exitflag,info,allsol] = sbaron('field1',value1,'field2',value2,...)


sbaron provides an alternative interface to baron, allowing the user to specify arguments using a [field, value] pairing.

Recognized fields include:

FieldValueData Type
'fun'Objective functionFunction handle
'lb'Lower boundsDouble column vector
'ub'Upper boundsDouble column vector
'nlcon'Nonlinear constraints functionFunction handle
'cl'Nonlinear constraints lower boundDouble column vector
'cu'Nonlinear constraints upper boundDouble column vector
'A'Linear constraints A matrixDouble matrix
'rl'Linear constraints lower boundDouble column vector
'ru'Linear constraints upper boundDouble column vector
'xtype'Variable integralityCharacter row vector
'x0'Initial solution guessDouble matrix or vector
'opts'Solver options (from baronset)Structure
'doSolve'Solve using BARONDouble scalar


[x,fval] = sbaron('fun',objFun,'lb',lb,'ub',ub)


The MATLAB/BARON interface is provided at The Optimization Firm. The interface is provided free of charge and with no warranties.