Solve a NLP/MINLP using the global MINLP solver BARON (alternative interface).
x = sbaron('field1',value1,'field2',value2,...)
[x,fval,exitflag,info,allsol] = sbaron('field1',value1,'field2',value2,...)
sbaron provides an alternative interface to baron, allowing the user to specify arguments using a [field, value] pairing.
Recognized fields include:
Field | Value | Data Type |
'fun' | Objective function | Function handle |
'lb' | Lower bounds | Double column vector |
'ub' | Upper bounds | Double column vector |
'nlcon' | Nonlinear constraints function | Function handle |
'cl' | Nonlinear constraints lower bound | Double column vector |
'cu' | Nonlinear constraints upper bound | Double column vector |
'A' | Linear constraints A matrix | Double matrix |
'rl' | Linear constraints lower bound | Double column vector |
'ru' | Linear constraints upper bound | Double column vector |
'xtype' | Variable integrality | Character row vector |
'x0' | Initial solution guess | Double matrix or vector |
'opts' | Solver options (from baronset) | Structure |
'doSolve' | Solve using BARON | Double scalar |
[x,fval] = sbaron('fun',objFun,'lb',lb,'ub',ub)